American Legion
Post 48
Chesnee, SC 29323

Law Cadet Academy

Department of South Carolina Law Cadet Academy web site click HERE

For a flyer about the Law Enforcement Cadet or SC Palmetto Boys State, click HERE

The mission for the Nathan Wolfe Law Cadet Academy is to immerse young adults into an environment of structure and discipline to guide them through a week of instructions, lectures, and hands on training. The intent of these lectures, instructions, and hands on training is to provide the youth with a more informative view of law enforcement and the training that goes on behind the scenes. It is the goal of the Nathan Wolfe Law Enforcement Academy to provide each young adult with a broad view of law enforcement in South Carolina and give them an opportunity to have a hands on experience.

To see attendees for each year, click on the year

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
2022 2023 

If you would like to donate funds to send boys and girls to the Law Cadet Academy for next year, please send a check or money order to
Law Cadet Academy
American Legion Post 48
P. O. Box 323
Chesnee, SC 29323

Please designate whether this is for Boys State, Girls State, Law Cadet Academy, or any of the 3. Post 48 is an IRS 501(c)(3) organization so donations are deductible under the tax laws in affect at the time. Donations will be acknowledged on this web page and in any documentation created by Post 48 in support of Boys State and Girls State.


copyright American Legion Post 48 Chesnee djc 2013-2022