American Legion
Post #48
Chesnee, SC 29323
Law Cadet Academy
Post #48 selectees for the 2013 Academy
Post #48 Chesnee sponsors 2 CHS students to attend the Nathan Wolfe Law Cadet
Academy. Congratulations to Chesnee High School Students Desiree Williams
and Jonathon Peterson for being selected to attend the 2013 edition of the Law
Cadet Academy to be held at the SC Criminal Justice Academy in June.
Jonathon Peterson and Desiree Williams
Tuition and fees will be funded by American Legion Post #48 with contributions
from community donors. Appreciation is extended to the following donors for
supporting this worthwhile program:
Donor List for 2013 Law Cadet Academy:
Daniel J. Codespoti
Max Daves
Ronnie E. Duckett
Clark A. Smith
Harold Turner
Thomas L. Walker (Burr's Trading Post)
Jack S. Wiggins
Cliff Jones