American Legion Post 48
P. O. Box 323
Chesnee, SC 29323

22 RimFire Rifle Competition

22 RimFire Rifle Competition is new to Post 48. We have had handgun competitions since 2012. If this is a success, we could have 2 or 3 a year as we do with handgun competitions.
 The information below was created for this competition. As we learn the details of a competition of this type, that information will change as the Range Committee and Post deems necessary.

The intent of the rifle competition is to promote target competitions with 22 rimfire rifles that are readily available and typically used during recreational target shooting and/or small game hunting. Any firearm or item of equipment that is not mentioned in these rules or that is contrary to the intent and spirit of the rules is prohibited.

Course of fire: All Stages require each competitor to fire 10 rounds from the 25-yard line:
Stage 1: competitors fire Prone at a B-8(P) target;
Stage 2: competitors fire Sitting at a B-8(P) target;
Stage 3: competitors fire Standing at a B-8(P) target.
Firing position: The competitor must stay behind the 25-yard line for all shooting positions.

The B-8(P) target is 12” H x 10 ½” W and contains an X ring inside the 10 ring.
This target is the same as the target used at 15 yards in Post Handgun Competitions.

Firearms: any semiautomatic, lever, pump, or bolt action rifle firing 22 Short, 22 Long, or 22 Long Rifle cartridges.

Sights must be open, aperture, ghost-ring, rifle-scope, red dot, or green dot. Laser sights are prohibited.

Intended competitors are persons 10 years or older who has registered for a competition. 10- to 15-year-olds must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.

On range procedures have been adapted from our handgun competitions. There will be 3 range officials on the range during all firing.

There will be 3 trained scorers scoring the targets; all of whom have had a great deal of scoring experience.

Standard Post 48 Liability Agreements are required.

The Rifle Competition Rules are derived from the Post Handgun Competition Rules that were modified to fit the 22 rimfire rifle needs. These rules are subject to approval at a regular meeting of the Post. They may change by an appropriate motion at any regular meeting of the Post.

It is highly recommended that you read the rules.
The Rifle Competition Rules, as a web page, can be seen HERE.
The Rifle Competition Rules, as a printable PDF, can be seen HERE.

copyright A. L. Post 48 Chesnee 2025