American Legion
Post 48
Chesnee, SC 29323
Saturday January 13, 2024 Cobra Celebration
Today is Post 48's Official Celebration of the Return of "Our Cobra"
The Program
A printable PDF of the Program can be seen by clicking
Below is from A7:B27 the U. S. Army Tech Manual for the Cobra
A printable copy of these pages are available by clicking
Post 48 Public Relation Chair Steve Chastain has recovered
some history and active duty photos of THIS Cobra
A printable PDF of the history can be seen by clicking

Parking helper, cars everywhere

M Brian Lawson District 30 Representative SC House &
Jim Kvam Dept. Of S. C. Commander (white hat)
The following 4 were assigned to this Cobra during Operation Dessert Storm

Rod Combs, pilot

Ray White pilot

David Moore, crew chief

Tim Arthur, crew chief

Ray White, pilot; Rod Combs, pilot; David Moore, crew chief; Tim Arthur, crew

Chesnee Mayor & Post 48 Member Bruce Mahaffey with crew members

Post Commander John Garner welcoming everyone to the Celebration

PR Chairman Chastain's videos being displayed

Food trucks

And a bar-b-que table

What can you say?

Post Cdr Garner introduces our guests

M Brian Lawson District 30 Representative SC House

Chesnee Mayor & Post 48 Member Bruce Mahaffey

Pilot Ray White

Cdr Garner presents him with a Post 48 Cobra Tee shirt

Crew Chief Tim Arthur

Cdr Garner presents him with a Post 48 Cobra Tee shirt

Crew Chief David Moore

Cdr Garner presents him with a Post 48 Cobra Tee shirt

Pilot Rod Combs

Cdr Garner presents him with a Post 48 Cobra Tee shirt

Cdr Garner presents Mr David Weaver of the Woolard Technology Center,
Auto Collision Technology with a Certificate of Appreciation; this center
did all of the body work and paining of the Cobra. Superb Job!

Mr Weaver's student, Aden Watts was the primary worker

Cdr Garner presents a Certificate of Appreciation to Mr Derrick Ramirez
who did the construction of the foundation of the Cobra

Cdr Garner presents a plaque to Mr Bruce Royal of REI Royal
Engineering. Inc who did the engineering & drawing for
the Cobra Pedestal

Cdr Garner presents a plaque to Chesnee Mayor Bruce Mahaffey
in appreciation for the contribution by the City of Chesnee

Cdr Garner presents a plaque to Mr David Weaver of the Woolard
Technology Center which was received by student Aden Watts

Cdr Garner declares this Celebration closed
Thanks to all who attended
The members of A. L. Post 48 Chesnee would like to
express our
deepest appreciation to everyone who contributed or worked on this project
The comments we have heard range from awesome, excellent, impressive,
to WOW! What a view driving into the City of Chesnee

U. S. Army 3rd US Infantry Regiment
copyright A. L. Post 48
Chesnee 2023