American Legion
Post 48
Chesnee, SC 29323
October 10, 2019 Regular Meeting Sponsored by Eggers Funeral Home
Members arrive for the meeting
ALA members talking to Ernie and Cathy working
The beginnings of a nice dinner
The dessert table
Post Commander Jack D Smith Hr is ready to open the meeting
Ernie is getting someone to pull the winning ticket for the 50-50 drawing
And the winner is Clark Smith
Clark Smith and SAL member Tim Hall talking about the Post 48 sponsored Cub/Boy
Scout Pack 186
Doctor Ben Griffith (MD- Psychiatry & USNR Captain) speaking on veterans mental
health issues
Post Member Richard Clemmons asking about creating a Post 48 Honor Guard
United States Coast Guard Cutter Eagle at Boston, MA
copyright A. L. Post 48
Chesnee 2019