American Legion
Post 48
Chesnee, SC 29323
March 16, 2019 DoSC District 5 Meeting at Post 48
DoSC is an abbreviation for the Department of South Carolina which is the
organizing command for A. L. Posts in SC
The Post & DoSC representatives arriving
Meanwhile, some were in the kitchen working
Breakfast is served
Where's the grits? Don't you know its not a real breakfast without grits?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, they're gonna serve it anyway
Past Department of SC Commander Bob Scherer
Post 48 Commander Jack D Smith Jr welcomes guests to Post 48
Introducing the VIP's
District 5 Commander Jack Wright presides over the meeting
Sons of the American Legion SC Squadron Commander Mike Nanney
US Army Yes, Drill Sergeant
copyright A. L. Post 48
Chesnee 2019