American Legion Post 48
Chesnee, SC 29323

September 9 2018 Handgun Competition #12

Paperwork done; ready for the competition

1st Stage finished; now the scorers go to work

Relay 1 getting ready to shoot stage 3

Targets are set; look how big they are; it must be easy from here

Lock & Load

Scorers waiting on the 3rd stage to finish

Observers (actually waiting for Relay 2 to begin)

3rd Place winner SAL Member Dan Codespoti Jr

2nd Place winner Jeramy Robinson (donated the prize back to the Post)

1st Place winner Nathan Wade

Because Johnny could not come to the last Post meeting
Post Commander Jack Smith presents a 30 Year Continuous Membership
Certificate to Johnny Lawter - who also served as a Range Officer

U. S. Air Force Thunderbirds

copyright A. L. Post 48 Chesnee 2018