American Legion Post #48
Chesnee, SC 29323

May 25, 2015 Post $1000 Raffle Drawing

Raffle manager Terry Brown says it's time to begin

The BEST picture of Jack Smith EVER!

He "shook" them pretty good

Pack 11 Cub Scout Daniel Griffin drew the 1st place ticket

Terry verifying the winning ticket for Hershel McCray, the winner

Hershel holding the winning stub

But this is what really counts - the money

The next 2 photos provided by Ashlee Jones

Terry verifying the 2nd place ticket which was drawn by Cub Scout Sean Griffin

The 2nd place winner of the shotgun - Jean Laughlin (her ticket not her husband's)

USMC 1st Lieutenant


Copyright American Legion Post #48 Chesnee, SC djc 2015