American Legion
Post #48
Chesnee, SC 29323
Amateur Handgun Competition #6
Competitors (with targets) waiting to go to the range
New Post member Al Lopresti with new competitors Amy & Kevin Owens
The range is in excellent condition after a lot of work by the Range Committee
That includes new wire even though someone shot up
position #10 already
The competitors and officials have arrived
Turning in targets to the Scoring Officers
In line: Dave Pingatore, J R Daniels, Dave Jacobi, & Kevin Owens; Ronnie Duckett
is observing
Tommy Hopper putting on his holster in preparation (holsters are required!)
Dave Jacobi being "logged in" by the Scoring Officers
Paula Goulet telling the Scoromg Officers: "She had better win!"
New competitor Amy Owens turning in her score card
Ernie giving the competitors the safety briefing prior to the first relay
Targets posted; ready for the first relay shooters
First relay competitors are being verified by the Scoring Officer Clark Smith
The Chief Range Officer says, "Ready on the left; ready on the right; commence
And they did (smokeless powder takes all the fun out of this)
The guy on the right is trying to figure out which end of the thing the bullet
comes out
From this view, it looks like he got it right
1st Assistant Scoring Officer Sheila Smith and Scoring Officer Clark Smith
verifying the
math on the score cards
Ernie Goulet announcing the next competition on September 12th
3rd Place Winner Paula Goulet
2nd Place Winner Dave Jacobi
1st Place Winner Joseph "Dave" Pingatore
(A side note: Dave Pingatore donated his winnings back to the Post to be used to
improve the range)
Thanks, Dave, the Range Committee appreciates this!
US Army 2nd Lieutenant
Copyright American Legion Post #48 Chesnee, SC djc 2015