American Legion Post #48
Chesnee, SC 29323

April 9, 2015 Regular Meeting Honoring Awardees

Awards given this evening were:
60 Years of Continuous Membership in A. L. to Tommy Walker
2014 Post 48 Legionnaire of the Year to Terry Brown
2014 Law Enforcement Officer of the Year to Chesnee Police Officer Jerry Walker
2014 Fireman of the Year to Fireman Todd Mason

Post 48 Members offer a hearty congratulations to these individuals

Spartanburg City Fire Chief Freddie Blackwell, Retired Fire Chief Junior Littlejohn, Chesnee Mayor Max Cash

The evening's fare being placed on the table

The other end of the table

L to R: Barbara Pittman, Sheila Smith,
& Lynn Stacey; this is the important table: dessert!

Members chatting

Fireman Todd Mason with wife Callie and father Don

Police Officer Jerry Walker, his wife Brittany and young daughter

Members and guests await the beginning the meeting

A nice sized crowd attending the meeting

Post Commander Cliff Jones presenting the A. L. 60 year membership certificate to Tommy Walker

The Certificate Tommy received

Ronnie Duckett congratulating Tommy Walker for being a member of A. L. for 60 years

Post Commander Cliff Jones presenting the Post 48 Legionnaire of the Year to
Vice Commander Terry Brown

Post Commander Cliff Jones presenting the Post 48 Law Enforcement Officer of the Year
to Chesnee Police Officer Jerry T Walker

The Plaque given to Officer Walker

Vice Commander Terry Brown presenting the Post 48 Fireman Officer of the Year to
Fireman Todd Mason

The Plaque given to Fireman Mason

L to R: Commander Jones, Fire Chief Blackwell, Vice Commander Brown,
Todd's wife Callie, Todd, and Retired Fire Chief Junior Littlejohn

Todd's mother Judy, father Don (a Fire Commissioner), and Todd

Jack Smith telling everyone about the upcoming Yard Sale (5/25)

Officer Walker and Chesnee Police Chief Danny Swofford
(Chief Swofford is a member of Post 48)

Officer Walker, wife Brittany, and Chief Swofford



Copyright American Legion Post #48 Chesnee, SC djc  2015