American Legion
Post #48
Chesnee, SC 29323
October 9, 2014 Regular Meeting Tommy Walker Honored
A few members are here early
Commander Jones' "microphone stand" (Lynn Stacey)
(this was the first time the new PA system was used)
Post Member Wayne Frady passed away recently.
His wife Brenda and daughter were guests of the Post
Post Vice Commander Terry Brown presented a Bible to
Mrs Brenda Frady as is Post 48's custom
Post Member Tommy Walker is unexpectedly called to the
Tommy served on a "Tin Can" (Navy destroyer) during
the Korean War.
He was presented a Tin Can Sailors Cap
Tommy also received a "60 Year Continuous Membership"
in American Legion certificate from the Post
This is the certificate that Tommy received.
Jack Wiggins gets down to "business" giving riffle
raffle tickets
to member Randall Price and others
The cooks were chatting in the kitchen. A special
thank you goes to them
for cooking for the Post: THANK YOU!
US Army E7
copyright American Legion Post #48 2014
D Codespoti