American Legion
Post 48
Chesnee, SC 29323
Creek Erosion
For a printable PDF of the above, click
We continue to have problems in the creek behind the Post.
We have decided to drop rocks, broken concrete, and broken
brick into the hole being dug by the continuous water flow
coming down the creek.
The intended purpose of the rocks is to prevent the water
from directly hitting the bottom of the creek bed.
The pipe(s) under our concrete road
The hole where the rocks can go
Upstream - the creek when it floods
It has receded a bit
The water has undercut the concrete road
On the range side of the hole
The pipe from behind McDonalds
The iron pipe with a constant flow of water - source unknown
50 yards downstream from the McDonalds pipe
Recent ditch clearing on Loft-Burnett Road (beside McDonalds)
who did this is unknown
Which feeds this pipe which dumps on our side of Loft-Burnett
The "base" of the CSX track - a pipe comes under the track and feeds
from the woods into this drain system on our side
These large pipes are lying in the creek
if you know how to lift them, let us know
We have spent a great deal of time researching the neighboring
properties from the Post to the Reeves Mill. The only visible
retention pond is behind the new Mighty Dollar. And it appears
to drain on the south side of the pond (toward us).
The intent of a retention pond is to not drain but hold the
water until it evaporates. This one has an appearance of
an overflow. So that overflow functions when there is an
excessive amount of water.
When "most" of this was built, retention ponds were not required.
It appears that the medical facility was built without a retention
pond even though, by SC law, one should have been required.
We need a group of volunteers who can be available at times
when someone calls with rocks or such, you can meet them
at the Post and help them unload. Call Dan at the above telephone
number to be put on the volunteers list.
We are putting out a public call for rocks, broken brick or concrete.
copyright A. L. Post 48
Chesnee 2019