American Legion Post 48
Chesnee, SC 29323

February 13, 2020 Regular Meeting with DoSC Commander, Troop 186 Cub Scouts, and more

Members of Scout Troop 186

Post members

L-R NEC Alt Bob Scherer, Terry Brown, Cliff Jones, DoSC Commander Walt Richardson

DoSC Commander Walt Richardson talking to a Cub Scout

Finance Officer Bill Lewis & Adjutant Robert Augur

L-R NEC Alt Bob Scherer, DoSC Commander Walt Richardson, Matthew Gooden, Sherri Scherer

Dessert table - a bit light

ALA ladies getting dinner ready

The "dinner line"

Post Commander Jack Smith getting 50-50 tickets drawn from the bowl

So Ernie can give the money away

Everyone well fed, it's time to pass the hat

Troop 186 Scout Master Chase Humphries

Chase presents the Troop's Charter to Post Youth Activities Chairperson Clark Smith

A collage of the troops activities is also presented to the Post

Corey from this Scout region thanks the Post for sponsoring this troop

Individual leaders in the Pack

Post Commander Jack Smith presents a check from the Post to the Troop

Adjutant Robert Augur reads the minutes of the previous meeting

Finance Officer Bill Lewis & gives the finance report

Alternate National Executive Committeeman Bob Scherer

Commander Richardson presents the Family Award to Post 48
[This means that the Post, the ALA, & the SAL all achieved 100% membership renewal
by the November deadline]

Awards are being presented to 2 members of the Post for recruiting NEW members

Post Vice Commander Richard Hall recruited 5 new members

Range Committee Chairman Dan Codespoti recruited 4 new members

DoSC Historian Matthew Gooden asking for our support in his run for DOSC 4th Vice Commander

Post Member Pamela McLean-Harriatt is a certified Veterans Service Officer (VA forms)

SAL Vice Commander Tim Hall presents a check to pay one half of the cost for a girl to go to
Girls State ($160) and one half the cost for a boy to go to Boys State ($150)

U.S. Marine Corps Live Fire Training

copyright A. L. Post 48 Chesnee 2020