American Legion
Post 48
Chesnee, SC 29323
Meeting with CHS JROTC Cadets
JROTC cadets chatting
Ernie cooking the dogs & burgers - don't burn 'em
It's raining; he's got a big umbrella
ALA members getting the other stuff ready
Its slowly making its way to the table
VC Richard Hall checking in members & guests
Post Commander Jack Smith calling the meeting to order
The dessert table - it was superb
Post Adjutant Chip Cason reading the minutes of the last meeting
1st Lt Mackenzie Bradley
tells what JROTC has meant to her
2nd Lt Ben Bates spoke about the CHS JROTC program
Post Member Ronnie Duckett explains the display next to the podium
US Navy USS Zumwalt DDG1000
copyright A. L. Post 48
Chesnee 2018