American Legion Post 48
Chesnee, SC 29323


December 24, 2016 Turkey Shoot - Outlaw Style

This is called an "outlaw style" turkey shoot, not because they are all criminals, but because the rules for a "standard" turkey shoot are not being followed. This is mostly because sighting aids are permitted for these shoots. Almost everything except a laser sight. Also post distances are a bit different.

For the final turkey shoot of 2016 there was a terrific crowd

And the shooting was hot & heavy

The scorer, target puller, & target poster stayed busy all morning

Note that all of the guns were aimed in the correct direction

That's because Jack was watching them

We have a winner! It was Ernie

So he proceeds over to the pay table and picks up his winnings

Buying into the next round


It's all about



Sheila picks up the targets

Sheila, "The Judge", determines the winner of this round

While Ernie posts new targets

These targets are set up for the "Chigger" round (closer posts)

US Navy Admiral

copyright A. L. Post 48 Chesnee 2017